Here are two sample lessons (and their accompanying videos) from the "Digital On-Ramps" curriculum for 4th and 5th graders just beginning to take flight online!
See where these lessons fall within this sequential curriculum by downloading the flyer at the bottom of this page.
​When you subscribe to Digital On-Ramps, teachers at your school (or homeschool parents) get access to an easy-to-use online portal (see below) where you download lesson plans, hands-on activity guides, screen videos, and access full support.
This curriculum focuses on the essential social-emotional skills students need most when they use connected devices and introduces the basics of Internet use and safety (see flyer).
Like our popular middle school curriculum, Cyber Civics "Digital On-Ramps" lessons are completely turnkey and easy to teach and prepare students to use technology ethically, safely, and wisely!
Please contact us if you are interested in receiving a quote (we offer special pricing for small or underserved schools and for districts). Or, you may enroll directly online.