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Agents of Influence: The Benefits of Gaming for Learning
We are currently facing a war of both the mind and the body. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all inside, attaching us even more...
Virtual Field Trips for Kids
As we quickly approach the second half of 2021, the world still bears the heavy scars of coronavirus. Nowhere is it more evident than...
Digital Detox Summer Camps for Kids
The pandemic has had a devastating impact upon many young people. Some are experiencing depression, anxiety, or are under-performing in...
Thrivers: A Discussion Guide for Teachers
Every so often a book comes along that is so timely and needed, you'd think the author consulted a crystal ball before writing it. In my...
Challenges and Solutions for Schools in Navigating the Digital World
Schools have an important role to play in young people’s social and emotional development, as well as their academic learning. Yet,...
Cyber Civics: It's So Relevant!
In a recent Cyber Civics lesson, Level 1: Your Digital Reputation , my 6th grade students were tasked with combing through the ‘social...
Add a Fun Ingredient to Your Dinner Menu: Storytelling
Exclusive Offer: 2 for 1, Parent/Teen six-week storytelling class begins January 9, 2021. Schedule an interview to see if the Lab is...
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